AmeriCorps workers to undertake neighborhood cleanups on West Side


A crew of workers from the AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps arrived today to assist the Youngstown Neighborhood Development Corporation and the City of Youngstown with neighborhood cleanup projects for the next six weeks.

Cedar 1, a team of 10 workers from AmeriCorps, will clean and board up vacant homes and demolish collapsed garages at occupied homes on Youngstown’s West Side. YNDC is the first organization in Youngstown to host an Americorps NCCC team. The group is staying at Martin Luther Lutheran Church on the South Side of Youngstown.

“We’re very excited to host the team! AmeriCorps NCCC has been an asset to our organization and our city. They help us to get more done to revitalize Youngstown’s neighborhoods than we can do on our own,” said Jack Daugherty, YNDC Neighborhood Stabilization director. “We are also grateful to Martin Luther Lutheran Church for housing the team and the Youngstown Parks Department for providing them with access to recreational facilities.”

AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps and its FEMA Corps unit employ up to 2,800 young Americans in a full-time, 10-month commitment to service each year.

AmeriCorps NCCC members address critical needs related to natural and other disasters, infrastructure improvement, environmental stewardship and conservation, and urban and rural development. FEMA Corps members are solely dedicated to disaster preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery work. The programs are administered by the Corporation for National and Community Service.

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