April 20: 3 Youngstown mayoral candidates to debate on Facebook

News & Features | Youngstown, Ohio
The central business district in downtown Youngstown. (Ron Flaviano)

Former Vindicator columnist and Editorial Page editor Bertram de Souza will host a live debate with the three Democratic candidates in the Youngstown mayoral race. The online debate occurs 7 p.m., Tuesday, April 20 on The Scribbler Publishing Group’s Facebook page.

Ryan Kelly
Julius Oliver
Jamael ‘Tito’ Brown

Participating candidates include Youngstown Mayor Jamael “Tito” Brown, First Ward Councilman and business owner Julius Oliver, and local business owner Ryan Kelly. Tracey Winbush, the Republican candidate who is unopposed in the primary, declined to participate. Winbush is host of the local radio talk show “Tracey and Friends.”

Bertram de Souza
Rose Carter

De Souza will be joined by Rose Carter, director of ACTION (Alliance for Congregational Transformation Influencing Our Neighborhoods). A third panelist, Cynthia Rickard, was scheduled to participate, but canceled due to surgery. Rickard’s questions will be presented by de Souza.

Public participation will be an important component of Tuesday’s debate. The community is encouraged to submit questions and comments via Yo*******************@gm***.com” data-reader-unique-id=”7″>email or on Twitter using the hashtag #YoungstownMayorDebate. There is no cutoff time for submitting questions. The debate will include a break at 7:45 p.m. to allow viewers to submit additional questions and comments.

“Because it’s being streamed live on Facebook, there is no time limit and I’m thinking we can even go two hours,” Bertram de Souza said. “It’s going to be more free-wheeling than the organized debates that you usually see where they’re committed to two minutes or one minute.”

De Souza said candidates are expected to be concise, but the format will allow for complete answers. “I’m not going to cut them off because these guys are trying to explain something, but at some point I’ll know and say, ‘let’s move on.’ ”

Participating candidates were sent a detailed email outlining the debate format. “There will be lots drawn for who goes first on the opening statement. And then we’ll have lots drawn as to who answers the first question and who follows second and third. Everyone is going to get an equal chance,” de Souza said.

Interruptions from other candidates will be permitted. “That’s going to be fine, as long as the interruption is not just to be disagreeable,” he added.

“What we’re trying to do here is make it different … there are no time constraints, we’re going to go as much as we can. The goal is to provide viewers, city residents, with as much information as possible on candidates.”

Part of the evening will likely center on the city’s finances and operating budget, with special attention being given to payroll costs and benefits.

During a Vindicator-sponsored debate four years ago, de Souza asked then Youngstown mayoral candidates (Youngstown Mayor John McNally and Third Ward Councilman Jamael “Tito” Brown) about the “dead wood” on the city payroll. According to de Souza, McNally and Brown both “rejected that characterization of public employees.”

But in a prepared release for the Facebook Live event, organizers opined that the question is still valid: “… In the past four years, city government has been gripped by a financial meltdown, prompting the question: Was the meltdown exacerbated by the ‘dead wood?’ After all, almost 80 percent of city government’s operating budget is soaked up by wages and benefits. The issue of finances is looming large in this year’s election for mayor of Youngstown.”

For panelist Rose Carter, how the city plans to spend its federal-stimulus funds is a concern. “I would hope that with that $88 million we would be brought to the table to decide what type of things, what type of investment this $88 million would do for our inner city.” When asked if she planned to voice that concern with candidates, Carter replied, “absolutely.”

For more information on Tuesday’s debate, contact Bertram de Souza at 330-720-3105 or sc**************@gm***.com or Cynthia Rickard at 330-770-1227 or cr*******@gm***.com.


Information provided to the Mahoning County Board of Elections by Youngstown mayoral candidates, including declared addresses:

  • Jamael Tito Brown, 625 Carlotta Drive 44504. Democrat.
  • Julius Oliver, 47 Central Square, Apt. 1001 44503. Democrat.
  • Ryan Kelly, 1828 Chapel Hill Drive 44511. Democrat.
  • Tracey Winbush, 47 Central Square, Apt. 1002 44503. Republican.

Source: Mahoning County Board of Elections

The cover for Bertram de Souza’s book ‘No Holds Barred.’
The cover for Bertram de Souza’s book ‘No Holds Barred.’ (The Scribbler Publishing Group)

About Bertram de Souza – De Souza is a former Vindicator columnist, Editorial Page editor and author of “No Holds Barred,” which was published by The Scribbler Publishing Group in 2020. The book can be purchased on the Scribbler website, Barnes & Noble in Boardman and The Book Loft in Columbus.



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