Baroque ensemble ACRONYM to release ‘Cantica Obsoleta’

Baroque ensemble ACRONYM to release ‘Cantica Obsoleta’
’Cantica Obsoleta’ is the 10th compact disc by ACRONYM (ACRONYM)

Baroque string ensemble ACRONYM is announcing the release of “Cantica Obsoleta,” its 10th compact disc. The recording will be released on July 24.


“Cantica Obsoleta” features music from the Düben Collection, which consists of approximately 2,300 music manuscripts, assembled by and named after a family of composers who served in succession as “kapellmeister” (“chapel master” or director of music) to the Royal Swedish Court in Stockholm.

The compact disc comprises the first recording of 12 compositions from the collection, all of which ensemble founder Kivie Cahn-Lipman rediscovered and typed from manuscript.

Cahn-Lipman is an assistant professor of music at Youngstown State University’s Dana School of Music, where he teaches cello. He holds degrees from the Oberlin Conservatory of Music, The Juilliard School and the University of Cincinnati.

Much of the music in the new collection is unique, with most selections neither published in modern edition nor recorded. The group previously scoured the Düben Collection for sonatas that are on the ensemble’s “Paradise” (Bertali) and “Wunderkammer” CDs.

“For this recording, we searched this treasure trove of 17th-century music for the most beautiful and fascinating works available. It is likely the first time any of these ‘forgotten songs’ have been heard in hundreds of years,” said Cahn-Lipman.

The CD features Hélène Brunet, soprano; Reginald Mobley, alto; Brian Giebler, tenor; Jonathan Woody, bass; Beth Wenstrom, Edwin Huizinga, Adriane Post, Johanna Novom and Chloe Fedor, violin and viola; Kyle Miller, viola; Loren Ludwig, Zoe Weiss, treble viol and bass viol; Kivie Cahn-Lipman, tenor viol and violoncello; Doug Balliett, violone; Elliot Figg, harpsichord and organ; and John Lenti, theorbo and guitar.

The ensemble updates its name for each project. For its new release, ACRONYM refers to “Archive Crawlers; Researchers of Niche Yellowed Manuscripts.”

The New Yorker has called ACRONYM an “outstanding young early-music string ensemble.” The group formed in 2012 and has released eight critically acclaimed CDs since 2014. The group last performed at YSU in 2018.

”Cantica Obsoleta” is available at….

For more information, call the Office of Community Engagement and Events at 330-727-7514.

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