Beatitude House seeks school supplies for children, young adults

An Amazon registry has been created to help maintain social distancing, but items may also be dropped off at Beatitude’s administrative offices in Youngstown. The Amazon registry can be found on Beatitude House’s website and social-media platforms. (Beatitude House)

With a new school year quickly approaching, the disadvantaged children and young adults served by Beatitude House are in need of supplies. A collection is being taken, both online and in-person, for back-to-school supplies to ensure that these students are prepared for the upcoming school year.

Having the right supplies will give children a good start to the year, especially as many will not physically be attending school on a daily basis this year.

Students are in need traditional school supplies, including some specific items. They include: 1-inch binders, flash drives, plastic folders, three and five subject notebooks, notecards, book covers, pencil boxes, pens, colored pencils, highlighters, red pencils, mechanical pencils, big block erasers, calculators, hand sanitizer, face masks, paper towels, sanitizing wipes, and dry-erase markers. Wide-rule and college-rule notebooks, and loose-leaf paper are also needed.

An Amazon registry has been created to help maintain social distancing, but items may also be dropped off at Beatitude’s administrative offices in Youngstown. The Amazon registry can be found on Beatitude House’s website and social-media platforms.

Donations of gift cards for Target and Walmart are also appreciated, as they can be used to purchase school clothing, shoes, socks and underwear. Students range in age from elementary through college and attend various schools.

If you are interested in donating, bring items to the administrative offices located at 238 Tod Lane, Youngstown, Ohio 44504 (on the campus of St. Edward Parish). Donations are accepted from 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday through Friday. All items are needed by Friday, Aug. 14.

Currently, Beatitude House provides housing for 47 families. Beatitude also offers language and education support to immigrants through its Immigrant Outreach program, as well as mentoring and financial aid to low-income students seeking to further their education through its Ursuline Sister Scholars Program. To date, Beatitude House has served more than 7,000 women and children. To learn more about how you can help, visit Beatitude House.

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