Broccoli Salad with Cashews and Thick-Cut Bacon

Broccoli Salad with Cashews and Thick-Cut Bacon
Broccoli salad with cashews and thick-cut bacon served on endive (Image by Ron Flaviano)

Broccoli Salad with Cashews and Thick-Cut Bacon | Roast lightly – but don’t overdo – as you want everything crisp with a hint of roasted flavor. Recipe by Mitch Lynch.


1 bunch broccoli (florets only) roasted or blanched in water
6 slices thick-cut bacon (medium-diced)
8 ounces cashews roasted
½ medium red onion diced


Begin by roasting nuts and broccoli. I like to heat the oven to 450 degrees. I toss the cashews and broccoli in a drizzle of olive oil and salt with a hint of sugar on the florets separately as you want to pull them and cook them separate. The bacon can also be done at the same time. Roast lightly – but don’t overdo – as you want everything crisp with a hint of roasted flavor. Cool everything quickly.


1 teaspoon sea salt
2 cups mayonnaise (but not Miracle Whip or any sweet dressings)
3 ounces white wine or cider vinegar
1 tablespoon mustard
½ cup sugar
pinch of cayenne (You can also use a cole slaw dressing recipe with a hint of cayenne.)

Serves 4-6


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