Valley History

VALLEY HISTORY – Find local history for Youngstown-Warren, Ohio and the greater Mahoning Valley. Explore important historical events, sports, pop culture and community life. The section features photo albums, video, and historical narratives. We also offer Valley history on our YouTube channel. Be sure to visit and subscribe.

Jazz Age Youngstown homes in 1927. This image depicts the Louis S. Kreider residence. Find more local history for Youngstown, Ohio and the Mahoning Valley in this section.

Jazz Age Youngstown Homes in 1927

Jazz Age Youngstown Homes in 1927 – This photo collection depicts the homes of Youngstown’s upper class during the 1920s. The decade saw explosive...
Logo for the Idora Park Experience. Hear metro30 podcast interviews with special guests. Cover Youngstown history and culture. Find more local history for Youngstown, Ohio and the Mahoning Valley in this section.

metro30 podcast 023 – ‘Experiencing Idora – Jim and Toni Amey’

In this episode, Jim and Toni Amey discuss the Idora Park Experience, their upcoming book, and the importance of preserving memories. “Experiencing Idora -...

Sutliff to explore 1788 kidnapping of freedom seeker

Sutliff to explore 1788 kidnapping of freedom seeker | The program is the first of three virtual programs in the “Nurturing Pathways to Freedom” spring...
Find more local history for Youngstown, Ohio and the Mahoning Valley in this section.

Youngstown in 1906

Youngstown in 1906 | This rare photo album captures Youngstown street scenes, downtown landmarks and North Side neighborhoods in 1906. The images were originally...
Remembering Youngstown: Town House Motel and Restaurant

Remembering Youngstown: Town House Motel and Restaurant

Remembering Youngstown: Town House Motel and Restaurant | These vintage postcard images depict the 50-unit Town House Motel and Restaurant on Route 7 in...
MVHS to mark Founders Day, Good Humor centennial | Virtual event celebrates historical society’s 145th anniversary, link to ice cream bar.

MVHS to mark Founders Day, Good Humor centennial

MVHS to mark Founders Day, Good Humor centennial | Virtual event celebrates historical society’s 145th anniversary, link to ice cream bar. The Mahoning Valley Historical...
Historical Society receives $202,634 to preserve Trumbull artifacts | The funds will also be used to hire a collections manager to oversee the project.

Historical Society receives $202,634 to preserve Trumbull artifacts

Historical Society receives $202,634 to preserve Trumbull artifacts | The funds will also be used to hire a collections manager to oversee the project. The...
Summer photo album: family vacations, Idora Park, backyard fun

Summer album: Idora Park, family vacations, backyard fun

Summer album: Idora Park, family vacations, backyard fun – This slide show features reader-submitted images from the 1920s to recent years. Pictures include family...
Warren postcard depicts Town & Country Motel’s vintage roadside art

Town & Country Motel in Warren – vintage roadside art

Town & Country Motel in Warren – vintage roadside art | This undated postcard depicts the Town & Country Motel on U.S. Route 422...

Multi-pane postcard recalls El Rio, TraveLodge – 2 icons of The Strip

More about the images in the postcard: El Rio – El Rio was located at 4256 Youngstown-Warren Road, S.E., in Warren. The restaurant, also known...
Find more local history for Youngstown, Ohio and the Mahoning Valley in this section.

metro30 podcast 020 – ‘Sean Posey – Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918’

Welcome to metro30, Metro Monthly’s ongoing conversation with the community. Join us as we deep dive into local history and community culture with an...
Vintage postcards capture downtown Warren, local landmarks | This collection features street scenes from different times in the city’s history.

Vintage Warren postcards depict downtown, local landmarks

Vintage Warren postcards depict downtown, local landmarks | The collection features street scenes from different times in the city’s history. Editor’s note: This set was...

When the Spanish Flu hung like a black cloud over the Mahoning Valley

Theaters, cafes, bars and churches closed. A deserted downtown Youngstown with hardly a soul on the street. An order for citizens to stay cloistered...
Mystery History: Rare & Obscure Images from Youngstown’s Past contains some never-before-seen photographs of the city. The collection includes colorized postcards, vintage photographs and advertising art.

Mystery History: Rare & Obscure Images from Youngstown’s Past

Mystery History: Rare & Obscure Images from Youngstown’s Past contains some never-before-seen photographs of the city. The collection includes colorized postcards, vintage photographs and...

Lost & Found – ‘East Federal Street before Urban Renewal’

In this Lost & Found feature, Metro Monthly explores East Federal Street in downtown Youngstown on the eve of Urban Renewal in the 1960s....

West Federal Street before demolition

These images depict West Federal Street before a series of demolitions by the Youngstown Central Area Community Improvement Corp. The photos predate the construction...

Jan. 18: ‘Historic Theaters’ program to highlight Robins, Warren Opera House

Historic Theaters of Youngstown and the Mahoning Valley. Main Library, 444 Mahoning Ave., N.W., Warren 44483. 330-399-8807, ext. 206. Author Sean T. Posey will...

Jan. 25: Program to cover history of Youngstown Air Reserve Station

History of the Youngstown Air Reserve Station. Howland Branch Library, 9095 E. Market St., Howland 44484. 330-856-2011. Learn about the history and mission...

Library programs to cover genealogy, research databases

The Warren and Youngstown public library systems will offer a series of programs on genealogy in January and February. Although programs are free, many require...

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