Enjoy Summer | MetroParks hikes, nature explorations for August

Enjoy Summer | MetroParks hikes, nature explorations for August
Birding the Sanctuary. Mill Creek Wildlife Sanctuary, Mill Creek MetroParks, 2650 W. Calla Road, Canfield 44406. 330-740-7116. An early morning birding hike led by Jeff Harvey. Space is limited. Boots required. Moderate. 1.25 miles. Register by Aug. 17. 8-9:30 a.m., Saturday, Aug. 19.(Mill Creek Metroparks)

Enjoy Summer | MetroParks hikes, nature explorations for August – Our guide covers the Youngstown-Warren area, Columbiana County and western Pennsylvania. Have a news release or tip? Email: in**@me**********.net. Office: 330-259-0435.


Hike With a Geologist: Sawmill Creek Preserve. South Turner Road, Canfield 44406. 330-740-7107, ext. 129. www.mil…. Explore the geology of Sawmill Creek Preserve. Learn about the geology of the beautiful, exposed sandstone cliffs. Distance hikes will vary 1 to 3 miles depending on the interest of the group. Wear waterproof shoes or hiking sandals. No restroom facilities on-site. Registration required. Register online by Aug. 4 or call. No walk-ins. No pets. 2-4 p.m., Sunday, Aug. 6. 

Recreational Hikes. Newport Wetlands parking lot, West Newport Drive, Mill Creek MetroParks, Boardman 44512. 330-740-7114. www.mil…. Meet for a moderate, 1-3 mile hike. Volunteer-led hikes focusing on exercising in the outdoors. Call for details. 9-10 a.m., Wednesday, Aug. 9.

S’mores and Spores: Mushroom Walk and Fire. Education Classroom A, Ford Nature Center, Mill Creek MetroParks, 840 Old Furnace Road, Youngstown 44511.  330-740-7107, extension 129. Join Park Educators in learning about and looking for mushrooms. Hike will be 1.5-miles, followed by a fire with s’mores. Wear closed-toe shoes. Registration required. Register online by Aug. 8 or call. No walk-ins. No pets. 6-8 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 10. $3.

Mindful Meandering: “Forest Bathing” Hike. McGuffey Wildlife Preserve, 4448 McGuffey Road, Lowellville 44436. 330-740-7107, ext. 129. Join a MetroParks educator on a peaceful meander. Learn new ways to tap into your senses and reconnect with nature using Japanese forest bathing principles. This does not include actual bathing, just appreciating nature from a different perspective. Hike will be no longer than 1-mile. Dress for the weather. There are no restroom facilities at this location. Register online by Aug. 14 or call. No walk-ins. No pets. 6-7 p.m., Wednesday, Aug. 16.

Recreational Hikes. Scholl Recreation Area, Mill Creek MetroParks, Youngstown. 330-740-7114. www.mil…. Easy, 1-3 mile, volunteer-led hikes focus on exercising in the outdoors. Call WRA 330-740-7114 for details. 9-10 a.m., Wednesday, Aug. 23.

Hike With a Geologist: Cohasset Loop. Ford Nature Center, Mill Creek MetroParks, 840 Old Furnace Road, Youngstown 44511.  330-740-7107, extension 129. www.mil…. Join a MetroParks educator in an exploration of the geology of Lake Cohasset. The group will hike the Cohasset Loop trails and decipher the geologic story and past environments that shaped the area. Approximately 2.75 miles, moderate difficulty with slight grades. Wear sturdy shoes (no flip-flops). Registration required. Register online by Aug. 22 or call. No walk-ins. No pets. 9-11:30 a.m., Thursday, Aug. 24.

Discovering Mill Creek 10 & 5-Miler. Ford Nature Center parking lot, Mill Creek MetroParks, 840 Old Furnace Road, Youngstown 44511.  330-740-7107, extension 129. www.mil…. Wear your most comfortable hiking shoes for a 10-mile hike starting at the Ford Nature Center and traveling around Lake Cohasset, Lanterman’s Gorge, and Lake Newport. (A 5-mile option turning around at Lanterman’s Mill will be available for those interested in a shorter hike). Difficult due to distance and terrain. Registration required. Register/pay online by Aug. 24 or call 330-740-7107, ext. 129. No walk-ins. $3. 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 26,

August Full Moon Hike. Newport Wetlands parking lot, Mill Creek MetroParks, Boardman 44512. 330-740-7107, ext. 129. www.mil…. Join MetroParks educators for a hike under a full moon. Meet at the Newport Wetlands parking lot. Includes a moderately challenging 3-mile hike. Register/pay online by Aug. 28 or call 330-740-7107, ext. 129. No walk-ins. No pets. $3. 9-10:30 p.m., Wednesday, Aug. 30.

Nature’s Orchestra Hike. Mill Creek Wildlife Sanctuary, 2650 W. Calla Road, Canfield 44406. 330-740-7107, ext. 129. Join a MetroParks educator for a 2-mile hike around the Mill Creek Wildlife Sanctuary where participants listen for the sounds of nature. Hiking boots required. Dress for the weather. Registration required. Register/pay online by Sept. 6 or call. No walk-ins. No pets. $3. 6:30-8 p.m., Friday, Sept. 8.


Birding the Sanctuary. Mill Creek Wildlife Sanctuary, Mill Creek MetroParks, 2650 W. Calla Road, Canfield 44406. 330-740-7116. An early morning birding hike led by Jeff Harvey. Space is limited. Boots required. Moderate. 1.25 miles. Register by Aug. 17. 8-9:30 a.m., Saturday, Aug. 19.

Compiled from local reports.


Metro Monthly is a local news and events magazine based in Youngstown, Ohio. We circulate throughout the Mahoning Valley and offer print and online editions. Be sure to visit our publication’s website for news, features and community events. Office: 330-259-0435.

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