Feta Cranberry Pinwheels

Feta Cranberry Pinwheels
Feta Cranberry Pinwheels prepared with flatbread from Ghossain’s Middle Eastern Bakery. (Ron Flaviano)

Feta Cranberry Pinwheels | This appetizer was prepared with flatbread from Ghossain’s Middle Eastern Bakery in Boardman, Ohio.


2  8 ounce bars cream cheese, softened
1 bunch green onions, finely chopped
1 cup dried cranberries
1 cup feta cheese, crumbled
1 package Ghossain’s 13″ flatbread


  • In large bowl, combine the cream cheese, onions, cranberries and feta cheese. Mix until thoroughly blended.
  • Unfold flatbread, and place one round onto a flat surface. Spread enough of the cheese mixture over the flatbread to cover entire surface.
  • Carefully roll up, then wrap in plastic, and chill for at least one hour. Repeat with remaining flatbread and cheese mixture.
  • Before serving, use a serrated knife and slice each roll in 1.5″ rounds to form the pinwheels.
  • Plate on a serving platter.

You can modify the ingredients of the spread to your tastes!

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