Fine Arts Council to open ‘FOTOABSTRAKTO 2023’ Feb. 11

Fine Arts Council to open ‘FOTOABSTRAKTO 2023’ Feb. 11
The exhibit highlights photographic images that don’t easily fit into other art exhibits or shows, due to their unusual imagery, technique, or process. (Fine Arts Council Trumbull County)

Fine Arts Council Trumbull County will open “FOTOABSTRAKTO 2023” 6-9 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 11 at Art on Park in downtown Warren.

The exhibit highlights photographic images that don’t easily fit into other art exhibits or shows, due to their unusual imagery, technique, or process. The photography show also includes “favorite mistakes,” a fairly common occurrence in the field.

Fine Arts Council to open ‘FOTOABSTRAKTO 2023’ Feb. 11
An image from the show. Photo by James Shuttic of Shuttic Arts. (Fine Arts Council Trumbull County)

Participating artists include Jeff Vargo, Frank Abbott, Lisa Frederick, Kathryn Infante, Samandra Lynne, Alaina Woofter, AirC Images, Aimee Lambes, Diane Beatty, James Shuttic, Carl Paul Henneman, Stephen Poullas, Dovey Wuvey, Nikki Puccini, George Nelson, Rachel E. Hathhorn, Carmen Denno, Dina Liguore, Kendra M. Blake, Jeffrey Puccini, Shannon Fee, Beth Carson, and Don DiPiero.

Several art studios will be open, including Shuttic Arts, and Samandra Lynne Photography which will offer inexpensive micro shoots.

Light snacks and refreshments will be available.

Art on Park


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