Evolution of Youngstown College – The Early Years

Evolution of Youngstown State College – The Early Years
Youngstown College students on the town in 1932 (YSU)

Evolution of Youngstown College – The Early Years. This photo set captures student life in the early decades of Youngstown College from the mid-1920s until 1940. Before the construction of Jones Hall in the early 1930s, classes were held in large Victorian mansions along Wick Avenue that had been absorbed into the campus.

The educational institution had its origins in the local YMCA. The Central YMCA in downtown Youngstown continued to play an important role for sports, recreation and campus functions. As Youngstown College developed, the nearby Butler Institute of American Art and Elms Ballroom enriched the cultural and social lives of students.

Images are courtesy of University Relations at Youngstown State University.

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