GPD Group Employees’ Foundation announces grants

The GPD Group Employees’ Foundation recently awarded over $30,000 and six grants to organizations in the Youngstown-Warren area. Recipients were selected from applications received during the grant cycle ending Jan. 13, 2017. In addition, the foundation awarded nearly $515,000 nationwide to over 130 organizations. (Image courtesy of the GDP Group)

The GPD Group Employees’ Foundation recently awarded over $30,000 and six grants to organizations in the Youngstown-Warren area. Recipients were selected from applications received during the grant cycle ending Jan. 13, 2017. In addition, the foundation awarded nearly $515,000 nationwide to over 130 organizations.

Locally, grants were awarded to the following organizations:

Crown Theater Productions, Columbiana: $5,000
. Will fund two summer drama camps and two special need camps in 2017.

Homes For Kids of Ohio, Inc., Niles: $4,500. 
Will fund a therapy-room redesign to create a therapeutic and child-friendly environment for foster children and behavioral health clients.

Inspiring Minds, Warren: $5,000. 
Funds an educational-enrichment component to provide after-school and summer programs for K-12 students.

Lakeview Local Schools, Warren: $3,100. 
Funds will provide charging stations and carts for classroom mobile wireless devices for grades K-3.

Lakeview Local Schools, Lakeview High School, Warren: $5,000. 
Will fund “Full STEAM Ahead: Space for Lakeview High School Makers.”  Will provide shared resources, beyond the normal classroom budget, to students and staff to support STEAM education.

Lordstown Local Schools, Warren: $7,500. Will fund the 
Innovation Center to bring additional educational opportunities to Lordstown students.

About GPD – GPD Group is an employee-owned, full-service architecture and engineering firm with over 540 design professionals. Headquartered in Akron, GPD has satellite offices in Chardon, Cleveland, Columbus, Marion, Youngstown, Atlanta, Dallas, Indianapolis, Louisville, Phoenix and Seattle. GPD employees established the GPD Group Employees’ Foundation Inc., a 501(c)(3), in 2014 to enrich the K-12 public education experience and support children with medical and special needs in communities where the firm works.

For more information, visit GPD Group Employees’ Foundation or call toll free at 1-800-955-4730.

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