Green Beans, Pears and Bacon (Bohnen, Birnen und Speck)

Green Beans, Pears and Bacon (Bohnen, Birnen und Speck)
Although it sounds more like a German law firm, Bohnen, Birnen und Speck is actually delicious one-pot meal (eintopf) made with green beans, pears and bacon.(Electronic image via

Green Beans, Pears and Bacon (Bohnen, Birnen und Speck) | A delicious one-pot meal (eintopf) for cold winter days.


1½ pounds fresh green beans, or two 9 ounce packages of frozen, cut green beans
¾ pound smoked slab bacon, cut in to cubes
1 tablespoon savory or thyme
3 medium potatoes cubed
3 firm pears (not soft) quartered
1 small bullion cube
2 cups of water, salt and pepper to taste
1½ tablespoon cornstarch or flour


  • Cut fresh green beans in 1½ to 2 inch pieces, set aside.
  • In a Dutch oven, cook bacon until fat is rendered out. Remove bacon and drain on a paper towel.
  • Leave about 2 tablespoon of fat in pan; sauté green beans about 5 minutes.
  • Add 2 cups of water, bullion cube, savory or thyme and pepper.
  • Cook 15 minutes, then add cubed potatoes and quartered pears.
  • Cook 15 to 20 minutes. When tender, thicken with corn starch or flour.
  • Add salt and pepper to taste.

Serve hot.

Helga Wengler is a native of Frankfurt, Germany. She learned to cook from her mother and loves to share her knowledge and expertise with readers. Helga also prepares classic German recipes on the Homeplate YouTube channel.

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