The Youngstown Business Incubator is announcing two additions to its board of directors, Kenneth Frank, CEO of Turning Technologies, and Dr. Brien Smith, provost at Youngstown State University.

“As we grow and evolve as an organization, it’s imperative that our board evolves with us. Mr. Frank and Dr. Smith are going to be great additions to our dynamic board of directors,” said Barb Ewing, CEO of the Youngstown Business Incubator.
Frank became CEO of Turning Technologies in July 2019, where he directs the company’s strategic vision. In 2008, Inc. Magazine named Turning Technologies the fastest growing software company in the world. Frank has over 30 years of senior executive leadership. He received a bachelor’s in computer science from the University of Southern California, a master’s in computer science from Stanford University and an M.B.A. from Emory University.

Dr. Brien Smith has served as provost of Youngstown State University since June 2019. Smith oversees YSU’s six academic colleges, the Graduate School, Honors College, the Office of International Programs, the Office of Assessment, and Maag Library.
Smith served as dean of the Scott College of Business at Indiana State University. His accomplishments there included increasing undergraduate enrollment by 18 percent, freshmen enrollment by 38 percent and graduate enrollment by 54 percent. Four-year graduation rates went up nearly 11 percent.
Smith also created a new center to administer student success programs and oversee student career-readiness initiatives, expanded online programs, increased the number of women leaders in the college by 30 percent, raised $14.5 million in gifts and earned $9.5 million in external grants for student programming and scholarships.
Smith holds B.S., M.S., and a Ph.D. in industrial psychology from Auburn University in Alabama.
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