MetroParks holiday events, displays, hikes for December


MetroParks holiday events, displays, hikes for December | The Metro Monthly Calendar covers the Youngstown-Warren area, Columbiana County and western Pennsylvania. Have a news release or tip? Email: in**@me**********.net. Office: 330-259-0435.


John Fire: Images of Nature. Weller Gallery, Fellows Riverside Gardens, Mill Creek MetroParks, 123 McKinley Ave., Youngstown 44509. 330-740-7116.…. Features the landscape and nature photos of photographer John Fire. 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Tuesday-Sunday through Dec. 31.

Christmas Wreath Making. Kidston Classroom, Fellows Riverside Gardens, Mill Creek MetroParks, 123 McKinley Ave., Youngstown 44509. 330-740-7116, ext. 230.…. Create a silk Christmas wreath with Judy Stanislaw. Register/pay online or call. 11 a.m., Friday, Dec. 1. $25, resident, $29, nonresident.

Winter Celebration: Festival of Trees. Fellows Riverside Gardens, Mill Creek MetroParks, 123 McKinley Ave., Youngstown 44509. 330-740-7116.…. Features the annual winter display inside the D.D. and Velma Davis Education and Visitor Center. Includes 60 holiday trees decorated by area nonprofit organizations. 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Tuesday-Sunday, Dec. 2-Jan. 2. Closed Christmas Eve and during “Winter Nights” (Dec. 3, 10, 17).

Winter Nights. Fellows Riverside Gardens, Mill Creek MetroParks, 123 McKinley Ave., Youngstown 44509. 330-740-7116.…. The garden grounds will be decorated with light displays. Special appearances include Mrs. Claus (Dec. 3), Buddy and Jovie (Dec. 10), and Cindy and Mr. Grinch (Dec. 17). The Davis Center will feature 60 “Winter Celebration” trees. Snacks and refreshments will be available for purchase in the Garden Café by Kravitz and the Shop in the Gardens will be open. 5-7 p.m., Sunday, Dec. 3, 10, 17.

A Holiday Night at Lanterman’s Mill. Lanterman’s Mill, Mill Creek MetroParks, 1001 Canfield Road, Youngstown 44511. 330-702-3000.…. Features an exclusive, night-time look at Lanterman’s Mill and its unique history and architecture. The building will be decorated for the holidays, and the gift shop will be open. The facility has limited restroom facilities. 5-8 p.m., Friday, Dec. 15.

Festive Finds Weekend. Rossi Auditorium Plus Radius Room, Fellows Riverside Gardens, Mill Creek MetroParks, 123 McKinley Ave., Youngstown 44509. 330-740-7116. This event will feature over 25 vendors. In addition, the D.D. and Velma Davis Education and Visitor Center will have 60 holiday trees decorated by area nonprofit organizations. 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 16; 10 a.m.-7 p.m., Sunday, Dec. 17.


Volunteer-Led Recreational Hike. Meet at the Calvary Run Linear lot on Calvary Run Drive, Mill Creek MetroParks, Youngstown 44509. 330-740-7114. Easy, 1-3 miles. Volunteer led hikes focusing on exercising in the outdoors. Call for details. 9-10 a.m., Wednesday, Dec. 13.

Volunteer-Led Recreational Hike. Parking Lot, Ford Nature Center, Mill Creek MetroParks, 840 Old Furnace Road, Youngstown 44511. 330-740-7114.……. Moderate, 2 or 4 miles. Volunteer-led hikes focus on exercising in the outdoors. Call for details. 9-10 a.m., Wednesday, Dec. 27.


MetroMutts: Jingle Mutts. Yellow Creek Lodge, Yellow Creek Park, Mill Creek MetroParks, 19 1/2 Lowellville Road, Struthers 44471. 330-740-7114.…. Jingle on down to the Yellow Creek Lodge and hike the Yellow Creek Trail. Refreshments available. Moderate, easy, 1-mile hike. MetroMutts members free, non-members. Call for details. Noon-1 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 9. $5. 


Yoga in the Gardens. Radius Program Classroom, Fellows Riverside Gardens, Mill Creek MetroParks, 123 McKinley Ave., Youngstown 44509. 330-740-7116, extension 230.….Marina Perdos will lead a blend of yoga styles. All levels welcome. Bring a mat and a small blanket. Register/pay online or call. Walk-ins welcome. 9:30-11 a.m., Tuesday, Thursday, Dec. 5-21. $15/class.

T’ai Chi Step One in the Gardens. Radius Program Classroom, Fellows Riverside Gardens, Mill Creek MetroParks, 123 McKinley Ave., Youngstown 44509. 330-740-7116, extension 230.…Join Marie Lew in warm-ups, breathing exercises, instruction of selected movements and narrated practice of a classic Chen T’ai Chi form. Register online or call. Walk-ins welcome. Noon-1 p.m., Wednesday, Dec. 6-27. $12/class.


Sprout Club – Popcorn Party. Education Classroom A, Ford Nature Center, 840 Old Furnace Road, Youngstown 44511. 330-740-7107, extension 129.…. For ages 3-5 with an adult. The Sprout Club will feature hands-on activities and learning about popcorn. Register/pay by Jan. 16, online or call, 1 p.m,, Thursday, Jan. 18. $7.

Metro Monthly is a local news and events magazine based in Youngstown, Ohio. We circulate throughout the Mahoning Valley and offer print and online editions. Be sure to visit our publication’s website for news, features, and community events. Office: 330-259-0435.

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