Ohio grant to fund financial-literacy education in region

Ohio grant to fund financial-literacy education in region
The $10,000 grant will underwrite financial education for children and young adults throughout Ashtabula, Columbiana, Mahoning and Trumbull counties, with primary focus on providing programs to students from low-income households.(Image by Stepshep/Wikipedia)

The Ohio Department of Commerce’s Division of Financial Institutions today announced Junior Achievement of Mahoning Valley will receive $10,000 in grant funding to provide financial literacy education.

The funding will underwrite financial education for children and young adults throughout Ashtabula, Columbiana, Mahoning and Trumbull counties, with primary focus on providing programs to students from low-income households.

Junior Achievement of Mahoning Valley will apply funds to yearly programming that aligns with the state’s Common Core standards and financial literacy mandates. The programming is expected to reach 10,000 students K-12 in 455 classrooms during the 2023-2024 school year.

The Financial Literacy Education Fund is financed through a quarterly transfer of 5 percent of all charges, penalties, and forfeitures levied by the Division of Financial Institutions’ Consumer Finance section. Grant awards are given annually at the discretion of the director of Commerce.

Those interested in future funding cycles can contact the Division of Financial Institutions’ Office of Consumer Affairs by calling 866-278-0003.

The Division of Financial Insitutions is part of the Ohio Department of Commerce, Ohio’s chief regulatory agency. Former information, visit here.

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