Organizations, students to host rally Dec. 2 for endangered YSU programs

Organizations, students to host rally Dec. 2 for endangered YSU programs
The rally will be held in the courtyard between Kilcawley Center and Tod Hall on the campus of Youngstown State University 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., Thursday, Dec. 2, during the morning session of the YSU Board of Trustees meeting.

Several community organizations and Youngstown State University students have planned a rally to demand that the YSU administration stop the cuts to academic departments. YSU OEA, the faculty union at YSU, has joined with the groups to host the rally.

The rally will be held in the courtyard between Kilcawley Center and Tod Hall on the campus of Youngstown State University 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., Thursday, Dec. 2, during the morning session of the YSU Board of Trustees meeting.

“Administration needs to know that the YSU community is not on board with cutting academics, sunsetting programs, and retrenching faculty, especially when administration refuses to audit or institute cost savings within any of the university’s non-academic units,” said YSU OEA President Susan Clutter.

Those planning to attend the rally in person should dress weather. Parking passes are available for $5 at M60 lot on Fifth Avenue at Arlington Street.

Those who can’t attend but would like to post a message of support for academics at YSU on social media should tag #ysufaculty in their posts.

People can also sign one of three petitions to advocate for a specific program found here:

Save the Center for Judaic and Holocaust Studies

Keep Italian at YSU

Support the NEOMFA

To date, YSU has threatened cuts to 26 academic programs across the campus, including cutting the Center for Judaic and Holocaust Studies, the Center for Islamic Studies and the NEOMFA program.


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