German Potato Pancakes (Kartoffelpuffer)

German-style potato pancakes topped with sour cream and applesauce as prepared by Helga the Kitchen Witch. (Electronic image by Ron Flaviano for Homeplate and Metro Monthly)
[avatar user=”Helga Welgler” size=”original” align=”right” link=”file”] “Serve with applesauce. If you like, use a dollop of sour cream.– Helga the Kitchen Witch[/avatar]
2 lbs. Yukon Gold potatoes
1 small onion
2 eggs
4 tablespoons flour
1 teaspoon salt (or to taste)

Vegetable oil for frying

  1. Peel potatoes and onion.With a box grater or food processor, finely grate potatoes into a bowl.
  2. Place grated mixture into a strainer; press out as much liquid as possible with your hands or a wooden spoon. Reserve liquid and let settle. (Pour away potato liquid but don’t throw away the starch sediment that has settled at the bottom of the bowl. This will be returned to the potato mixture.)
  3. In food processor, chop onion until smooth.
  4. Add eggs, flour and salt to bowl. Add onion and potatoes; mix thoroughly.
  5. Heat cooking oil in skillet.
  6. Drop potato mixture into skillet (two heaping tablespoons at a time) and fry until crisp and golden. Turn and brown other side.

Serve with applesauce. If you like, use a dollop of sour cream.

Note: Fry pancakes as soon as mixture is made to prevent darkening of batter.

Guten Appetit!

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