The show got off to a rough start, but the clarinetist was memorable

(Image via Wikimedia Commons and the Library of Congress)

Youngstown audiences have a reputation for being tough, but what about the performers?

In the Jan. 23, 1904 edition of the Tacoma Times, the newspaper reported:

“A commotion in the orchestra at the Park Theater last night nearly caused a panic. But it was only a musicians’ row at the ‘Mr. Dooley’ performance. Just as the curtain went up on the first act, those in the front of the house jumped from their seats and started for the exits. Those in the rear crowded to the front to see a fight between the clarinet player and the leader of the orchestra.

Some words had passed between them as the curtain was going up, and the player stopped tooting to hit the leader. The leader attempted to retaliate and a dozen blows were struck. The clarinet player finally got the leader bent over the railing and was pummeling him when the audience interfered. Quiet was restored and the clarinet player led in a solo, with orchestra accompaniment, playing ‘What Did Doogan Do to Him?’ ”

This odd bit of local history comes from the Library of Congress’ collection “Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers.”

The accompanying illustration was by Lee Wright Stanley, a cartoonist known for a long-running strip, “The Old Home Town.” Stanley started his career as an editorial cartoonist in 1903.

(Image via Wikimedia Commons and Library of Congress)

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