Upcoming classes cover computer education, technology

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The following classes cover computer education, technology, and the internet. Many include skills needed for the workplace. Classes are free, but require registration.

Computer education

Computer Basics Class. Main Library, 305 Wick Ave., Youngstown 44503. 330-744-8636. www.libraryvisit.org…This beginner’s class will cover identifying parts of the computer, using the keyboard and mouse, plus simple Internet use. Registration is required. 10 a.m.-noon, 3.

Basic Computer: Attachments. Austintown Library, 600 S. Raccoon Road 44515. 330-744-8636. www.libraryvisit.org…Learn how to save, send, download, and print attachments on the computer. Knowledge of how to use a computer mouse is required. Space is limited. Registration is required. 10 a.m., June 19.

Tech Tuesday: Basic Computer. Brownlee Woods Library, 4010 Sheridan Road, Youngstown 44514. 330-744-8636. www.libraryvisit.org…. Enhance your knowledge of technology in this monthly computer lab. Learn very basic computer skills. Occurs every fourth Tuesday.  Registration is required. 10:30 a.m., June 27.

Computer programs and apps

Microsoft Word 3. Main Library, 305 Wick Ave., Youngstown 44503. 330-744-8636. www.libraryvisit.org…. This advanced class will cover inserting text boxes, shapes, tables, and pictures. Prior attendance in Microsoft Word Class 2 is preferred. Register online via the library events calendar or call. Registration is required. 6 p.m., June 22.

Microsoft Word 3. Canfield Library, 43 W. Main St. 44406. 330-744-8636. www.libraryvisit.org…. This class will cover inserting text boxes, shapes, tables, and pictures. Prior attendance in Microsoft Word Class 2 is preferred. Registration is required. Register online via the library events calendar or call. 5:30 p.m., .

Photoshop Foundations. Main Library, 305 Wick Ave., Youngstown 44503. 330-744-8636. www.libraryvisit.org…. This hands-on lesson guides covers the user interface and highlights key features and techniques. Registration is required. 6 p.m., 

Word Art with Impact in Adobe Illustrator. Main Library, 305 Wick Ave., Youngstown 44503. 330-744-8636. www.libraryvisit.org…. Learn how to use Adobe Illustrator to create compelling text graphics. Registration is required. Registration opens at noon on June 2. 1-3 p.m., July 14.


Internet Basics Class. Main Library, 305 Wick Ave., Youngstown 44503. 330-744-8636. www.libraryvisit.org…. Learn about search engines, the internet, and navigating on websites. Registration is required. 10 a.m.-noon, June 17.

Email Basics Class. Main Library, 305 Wick Ave., Youngstown 44503. 330-744-8636. www.libraryvisit.org…. Learn how to set up and use a Gmail account. Registration is required. 8-9 a.m., July 1.

Cybersecurity Basics Class. Main Library, 305 Wick Ave., Youngstown 44503. 330-744-8636. www.libraryvisit.org…. Learn how to be safe online with accounts and passwords, and how to avoid frauds and scams. Registration is required. Registration opens at noon on June 3. 10-a.m.-noon, Saturday, July 15.

eBay Basics. Main Library, 305 Wick Ave., Youngstown 44503. 330-744-8636. www.libraryvisit.org…. Learn how to use eBay. Registration is required. Registration opens at noon on June 8. 6-7:15 p.m., 20.

Tech devices

Mobile Device Basics: Android. Main Library, 305 Wick Ave., Youngstown 44503. 330-744-8636. www.libraryvisit.org…. Do you have an Android phone or tablet that you would like to learn more about?Become more confident and comfortable with your device. Bring your Android device to the program. Registration is required. 6-7:30 p.m., June 8.

Intro to iPhones. Canfield Library, 43 W. Main St. 44406. 330-744-8636. www.libraryvisit.org…. Bring your new iPhone phone and any questions you may have on learning the device. The Library will provide informational handouts. Registration is not required. 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m., 


Engaging Video Essays from Scratch. Main Library, 305 Wick Ave., Youngstown 44503. 330-744-8636. www.libraryvisit.org…. For those interested in creating compelling video storytelling. This four-week course explores the video essay genre, free web resources, and the tools the Library’s DIY Space has for producing multimedia works. (Registration is required and closes at 4 p.m. on June 1.) 4-5:30 p.m., Thursday, June 22.

Cutting The Cord On Cable. Main Library, 305 Wick Ave., Youngstown 44503. 330-744-8636. www.libraryvisit.org…. Have you thought about eliminating your cable or satellite service? Learn about cord-cutting, including the basics of streaming devices and services. For adults. Registration is required. Registration opens at noon on June 3. 3-4:15 p.m., .


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