War in Ukraine: Youngstown Peace Vigil organizes, holds first rally

War in Ukraine: Youngstown Peace Vigil organizes, holds first rally downtown
Youngstown Peace Vigil held its first rally on Friday, Feb. 25 in downtown Youngstown. The newly organized group said it plans to host vigils at noon every Friday.

War in Ukraine: Youngstown Peace Vigil organizes, holds first rally

Youngstown Peace Vigil held its first rally on Friday, Feb. 25 in downtown Youngstown. The newly organized group said it plans to host vigils at noon every Friday in downtown Youngstown. For more information, visit Youngstown Peace Vigil on Facebook.

Interviews by Mark C. Peyko. Videography by Ron Flaviano. Interview date: Feb. 25, 2022. Video 3 of 3.

For additional coverage of the war in Ukraine, visit metromonthly.net….



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